A Timackie Project, Las Vegas, NV

Monthly Archives: January 2016

Archive of posts published in the specified Month

A Weekend About the Death of Music

For my first weekend of this project, I wanted to do something big, but not TOO big. I wanted to start on a high note (unfortunately, pun intended). I wanted to attend a performance by the Las Vegas Philharmonic, and I wanted to ask…

Review: The Smith Center

The Smith Center: The most beautiful place in the valley to catch some of today’s most sophisticated entertainment. The Las Vegas Philharmonic has a home at The Smith Center for the Performing Arts. This building is ridiculously beautiful. It’s a downtown performing arts center made…


Make the Weekend is about exploring the Las Vegas that I’m missing when I go to the strip, or going to Target again for some reason, or sitting home and catch up on Game of Thrones. It’s about getting to know the city I…

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